Cascade Acupuncture Center’s health care approach is based in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which is an ancient medical system that has been practiced for more than five thousand years. TCM is a holistic medical model that always addresses both the physical and emotional areas of health imbalances at the same time. When combined, TCM, which means using Acupuncture, Chinese Medical Pulse Diagnosis and Chinese Herbal Medicine together, has the unique capacity to effectively diagnose and cure illness without the possible side effects of many other medications and procedures.
We employ a unique and effective treatment style that involves the insertion of fine, sterile needles only below the elbows and knees. This has proven to be highly effective in many areas of prevention and pain management.
We have our own onsite Custom Herbal Pharmacy, and carry a full line of Chinese Herbal Formulas which treat many different conditions, naturally. This is comparable to a compound pharmacy, customizing the herbal formulas to each person’s individual needs. We also offer nutritional products, including Greens First to enhance your well being and speed your healing process.
Same day focus visits are often available for those in pain who have sustained an injury.
Our clinics accept insurance, offer an income-based sliding fee scale and have financing options available to aid in providing treatments to as many people as possible. We bill all health insurances with Acupuncture benefits as well as auto insurance (PIP) and Worker’s Compensation claims. Generally no MD referral is required to see an Acupuncturist through insurance. We offer complementary insurance verification. Click here to learn more about insurance and fees.
The clinics are open six days a week.
Established clients can conveniently schedule themselves through the Web site, they are given a password and a log in.
Please see Our Team and The CAC Difference to learn more about our individual practitioners, and to learn what sets us apart in many areas.