Team Approach
We work as a team of Licensed Acupuncturists with many different backgrounds and many years of combined clinical experience. This team approach allows for input from multiple practitioners in your care and opening hours Monday through Saturday, even if one of us is unavailable, since we cover for each other.
Effective Style of Acupuncture
Our Acupuncturists mainly use points below the elbows and knees; this style of Acupuncture treats painful conditions very well and fast. Many clients report a decrease in pain during their treatments.
We offer treatments in individual treatment rooms as well as comfortable recliner chairs with massage and heat pads.
We have a general Practice with a focus on pain management.
All clinics are wheel chair accessible.
Allergy Elimination
We offer food and environmental Allergy Elimination treatments, which carry no risks and are immediately effective.
Custom Chinese Herbs
Our Chinese Herbal Pharmacy carries over 300 Chinese Herbal Formulas and Single Herbs in granule (powder) form.
Each formula is customized to the client’s health concerns and will be changed and adjusted as needed in subsequent formulas.
Experienced Customer Oriented Office Staff Team
Our office staff team is dedicated to your wellness. They are here to receive your call, Monday through Saturday, in both of our clinics. They love to get to know you and your particular needs. They will get you same day appointments whenever possible, even as a new client if it is urgent and give you a call if you haven’t been seen in our clinics in a while.
Insurance Coverage For Acupuncture
Our office staff team will check your insurance and communicate your benefits to you prior to starting care. They will also monitor and coordinate any needed authorizations. Very few insurances require a referral to be seen in our clinic, we will inform you if one is needed. Our billing specialists bill your insurance and keep you informed of any charges. We allow monthly payments for outstanding balances.
Reduced Rate Treatments Based on Income
For clients who do not have insurance which covers Acupuncture (Medi Care, Tri Care and WA Apple do not cover) we offer reduced rates by offering treatment packages as well as rates based on income.
Additionally we offer Happy Hour Acupuncture treatments focused on stress for $25 or five for $100.
Referrals from Local Medical Providers to Our Clinics
We receive frequent referrals from local medical providers and communicate with them by sending letters about your treatments with us. Our goal is your best health.
Payment Options
We accept all major credit cards and debit cards, cash or checks.
We offer financing via Clear Gauge. This does not require a credit check, only a onetime $15 set up fee and a 7% processing fee. Equal monthly payments are deducted from our client’s account.
Nutritional Products for Weight Loss and Improved Health
Our clients report an average weight loss of 4 to 7 pounds per week when replacing their breakfast with the Greens First and Protein Meal Replacement kit. It contains the antioxidant power of 10 fruits and vegetables and makes the body alkaline.
Please call or email us! You will be able to talk to one of our Acupuncturists, we will check if your insurance covers Acupuncture and you will receive a free mini trial Acupuncture treatment!