Happy New Year!
Yes the title is a bit of a pun on the fact that I have not written a blog post in over one year. Writing blog posts always seemed a bit daunting, so I procrastinated…Have you ever had some New Year Resolutions and didn’t follow through after a while? If so, we are in the same boat! So, writing goals down while being witnessed and supported seems to work for many – it worked for me! I finished all the 2016 goals I established with my business coach within one year, so I wrote new goals for 2017. One of them is to write a monthly blog post. My plan is to share short paragraphs about CAC, health related topics, business topics and client stories in each blog post. Thank you for being my witness. Please sign up to receive them!
#HappyNewYear #NewYearResolutions
(Clinic news, stories and experiences, our outreach activities, my own thoughts and stories as well as stories from our team members)
2016 was a big year of change for us. In March we sold our Stevenson Clinic to Tom Meade, EAMP and he is now successfully operating it under the name Skamania Acupuncture Clinic. In July we let go of offering Massage. We had offered Massage for the last 5 years in both clinics but decided to re-focus on Acupuncture, Allergy Elimination and Custom Chinese Herbs. We are looking forward to serving the Gorge with our clinics in Hood River and The Dalles for many more years to come!
#SkamaniaAcupunctureClinic #Acupuncture #AllergyElimination #Allergies #Chinese Herbs #CascadeAcupuncture #CascadeAcupunctureCenter
(Client stories from our two clinics – off course no identifying information will be used)
One of our clients was diagnosed with Adrenal fatigue by her Naturopathic Doctor (ND). There are different stages of severity and initially theirs was very severe, they were experiencing extreme fatigue amongst other symptoms. Coping with any amount of stress, even smaller stressors was very hard for them emotionally and on their body. They committed to weekly Acupuncture treatments for many months, adjusted their lifestyle and diet, resting a lot, took the supplements prescribed by their ND and we got to watch them slowly recover. They were able to enjoy hikes again they couldn’t have imagined in the initial phase. They shared with us that the Acupuncture treatments did provide them with energy, helped with body aches but were especially helpful for their ability to cope with stress.
Per Dr Axe, up to 80% of people in the world are affected by Adrenal Fatigue, many are unaware and not diagnosed. Learn more here.
(Health related articles, my own experiences with Alternative Medicine as a recipient and as a practitioner)
Short and sweet: I always tell my clients there are “Three P’s to Healing”:
P for Patience, the body often takes longer to heal that the mind hopes or projects.
P for Persistence, meaning keep doing different modalities, supplements and good lifestyle and diet habits – ongoingly!
P for Prayer / Positive thinking
#Patience #Persistence #PositiveThinking
(I have taught a one day business class to Acupuncturists since 2009 at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine in Portland, OR. I plan on sharing information and thoughts on one topic in each blog post)
In my last post I talked about Purpose. Today I want to talk about Vision. Vision to me means filling in the purpose with attainable, measurable goals. Here is some more information on S.M.A.R.T. Goals. At CAC we adjust our Vision once a year, we compare last year’s goals with our actual achievements and then set goals for the next year. We do this as a team and all agree on the goals and that we feel we can reach them. Then we all do our best to attain them. As Lisa Shirk, our Operations Manager for the last 9 years likes to say: “Teamwork makes the dream work!”
#Purpose #Vision #SMARTGoals
(We send our newsletter every two weeks on Mondays. I am linking the most current newsletter here, sign up to receive our newsletter here)
(I teach lectures each month through Hood River Community Education and will list them for the upcoming month)
Weight Loss – Monday, January 9th in our Hood River clinic, 7 pm
Learn why diets don’t work and how your metabolism works at this workshop being offered in Hood River. Call Hood River Community Education at 541-386-2055 to register.